In appreciation to the incredible people who supported me to get my MASTER!

In appreciation to the incredible people who supported me to get my MASTER!

Next year we will have a huge celebration!

I did it!

I kept trying and believing and now I am officially a Master of Photography! This was a journey that involved so much learning and many people. Everything started with Tony Corbell- his mentorship helped me to believe that I had a chance. Then, Rob Hull’s CPP class that help me with my technique; Larry Lourcey, Gail Nogle, Edward Holmberg, Elena Hernandez, Margaret Bryant, @John, Jean Oldham Wall, Angela Navarette, Denise Remfert, Dan Ferguson, Jeremy Ridout, Debra Barkhurst Klawetter, Richard Sturdevant, Carl Caylor , Luke Edmonson, David Edmonson, Gabriel I. Alonso, Pete Rezac and all the judges who, at Dallas Ppa Print Competitions, made me realize how one image could have many different interpretations, but your interpretation as an artist is what matters. They all probably made me cry at some point, but at the same time, they helped me to get better. This is why learning, practicing, and critiques are so important. It is all part of growing pains 😊. I still have some ways to go to reach the level I ambition but I am excited to keep trying. During my journey, I am especially grateful to one person, PG, because he has helped me to keep growing and motivating me in a way that fits me perfectly. I always have said… we need more GUD people in this world and I am talking about him!

Photography has made me love my peers and finding friendships that I never imagined. The joy of it is that we all communicate through art and we share our ups and downs understanding each other

Photography has also taught me to relate with people. The journey has fed a part of me that I didn’t recognize before.  The appreciation to my clients and friends after they are in front of my lens is enormous because the stories we tell together are incredibly rewarding. Thank you for keeping up with me!

And the biggest appreciation of all goes to my family because they have kept my rhythm with a smile. Even if we haven’t been able to be together, the distance has brought us closer than ever.

Like many people this year, I graduated virtually at home in front of a screen but I was able to feel the emotion and the love of my family and friends. It was very rewarding. The only missing ingredient was the hugs! So, you owe me one! Thank you for making this achievement so magical and special. Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazon!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all my models, assistants, MUAs and clients!

Damon Hooper, Tamara Jenkins, Phaneendra Gud, Lucy Huffstteter, Ra Yala, Lisi Rowold-Garciamendez, Kash Mughal, Lesley Cazares, Jordan Culpepper, Curtis King, Bia Galuban, Asami Robledo-Allen, Alix Allen, Sony Yama and Cele, Hollen Meyer, Rachael Chei, Anca Wetegrove, Karen Cunningham Wright, Ashley Dillard Joyce, Christina Passons Woodley, Christina Conaway,


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